Dental Checkup & Oral Dental Examinations
Our staff members at Bay College Dental Center provide patients details pertaining to their findings during, and after the oral exam is finished. If an examination sheds light any issues that require treatment, a collaborative patient-doctor discussion will take place outlining the available treatment options. We attempt to set the standard of excellence when it comes to our patients’ oral heath by setting a custom treatment plan.
Your Oral Exam Checklist
The exam includes evaluating your risk of developing other oral problems and checking your face, neck and mouth for abnormalities The exam includes evaluating your risk of developing other oral problems and checking your face, neck and mouth for abnormalities.
What is your dentist evaluating during your oral dental exam
- Medical and dental history review
- Examination of X-rays
- Evaluation of any past dental restorations including root canals, dental crowns, and detection of any new decays.
- Growth and development of emerging teeth in children
- Exploring your gums (periodontal) for diseases.
- Oral cancer screening and detection of any other abnormal looking areas.
- Functionality of temporomandibular joint (TMJ )
- Aesthetic evaluation of your teeth such as spacing of your teeth and state of your bite.
The different types of X-rays are:
- Panoramic X-ray: gives your dentist a broad view of the entire mouth.
- Bitewing X-ray: allows your dentist to see the crowns on the lower and upper teeth
- Periapical X-ray: helps your dentist see the entire specific tooth and the surrounding bone.
- Occlusal X-ray: helps your dentist see the fit of the upper and the lower teeth when the jaw is closed
Bay College Dental Center dentists use digital X-rays to inform patients about:
- Diagnosis of developmental abnormalities. IE cherubism, cleido cranial dysplasia
- Impacted wisdom teeth’s diagnosis and devising a treatment plan – Commonly used to evaluate the status of wisdom teeth and damage to the jaw bones.
- Periodontal bone loss and the engagement of your teeths’ roots.
- Locating the origin of dental discomfort
- Diagnosis and assessments for maxillofacial fractures.
- Salivary stones (Sialolithiasis.)
- Evaluation for the positioning of dental implants
- Orthodontic evaluation. pre and post treatment
- Cavity revelation, focusing in the inter-dental
- Carcinoma involving the jaws
- Temporomandibular joint dysfunctions (TMJ) & ankylosis.
- Diagnosis of osteosarcoma, ameloblastoma, renal osteodystrophy affecting jaws and hypophosphatemia.
- And more…
Contact Us
- #105, 790 Bay St Toronto, ON M5G 1N8, Canada
- Call Us : 416-640-6400
- FAX : 416-642-8359
- bcdc@rogers.com
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